Change is thrust upon the griever without choice. Like the changing seasons with which we live, death is a force of nature that happens outside our control.

With this change we are forced to look at and cope with living life in new ways, without the one we love. Living with our loss through the seasons of change can be a challenge, but with the healing that mourning offers, new ways to live our lives can slowly be brought into view that fill our world with glimpses of hope and love.

With the rain bringing growth and renewal as part of the spring season, grievers can feel many mixed emotions. No matter how dark our grief experience, we cannot help but feel the increasing warmth of daylight and the beauty of blooming trees and budding flowers. This can bring feelings of anxiety as we feel discord between our outside world and our inside feelings.

Sometimes a glimpse of warmth and beauty can be a momentary relief from grief as we rejoice in new life. At other times it can make us feel pain and sadness as we think of past springs enjoyed with our loved ones.

As grievers we can feel alone and lost with our grief. But give yourself permission to grieve. The simple act of talking about your love and loss can create an opportunity for growth. As we share our story of loss we can find new ways of looking at things which plant seeds of hopefulness. Our tears become nutriment for the seeds as we struggle to grow and find beauty once again in the world.

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