Robert John Lea

May 31, 1928


November 28, 2014

Bob was born in Liverpool. He served in the Army for three years in the Far East and then worked in Malaysia as a rubber planter and was manager of a rubber estate there.

In 1956 he married Audrey and they had two children – and later on was blessed with two grandchildren.
He was always a very fit man – he loved his wife dearly and at the time of passing he had been married for 58 years.

He and Audrey loved to travel – their favourite place in later life was Tenerife in the Canary Islands.

The last three years of his life he was ill for the first time in his life. Losng him was the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

I miss him every minute of the day and night and will love him and remember him for ever.

Life will never be the same again.