Kathleen A. Burns


August 19, 2013

Some of us have never had the pleasure of knowing Kathleen (Kate) in person, but we have spent time with Kate at Safehavenforwidowed.org website or other widowed grief support websites and we have been left with a very clear impression of the kind of person that she was.

Kate was a well-loved and respected; she had many widowed friends and regular friends. She always shared in our laughs, tears, encouraging and supporting others on this journey of grief.

Kate use to like to do many things two she mentions in her user profile were camping and going to the ocean.

Kate’s life was Dean and her family. Dean was her world and everything losing him made the burden of grief so heavy for her that at times it becomes unbearable, the feeling of emptiness that you cant imagine future without the other person at times.

Kate still was supporting others and encouraging many other widowed who are walking this path. Even when her own heart is torn apart in pain and broken she was helping others and caring for.

Kathleen you have left this world with an empty hole that will never be filled again in all of our hearts and you will always be in our hearts and never forgotten our dear friend.