Alan LaPlante

November 29, 1987


June 9, 2001

Al, beloved son & grandson. With all the challenges you faced
in life, you still reached for new goals, to be independent, to live
life to the fullest.

We thought we were teaching you to live in this world, but,
I think it was you that taught us.

You always said you were old, maybe you were…an old soul
for sure. Al, you felt things so deeply, more than we could ever imagine. you never really said, I love you, but, we knew how much you did love us, and I know our “ok, goodnight”
“goodnight Al” was our I love yous.

You made a good life for yourself, had friends, a job.
I am so thankful that on our last visit I was able to tell you how proud we are of you. In a way, it was sort of like GOD was giving us that final goodbye. If only we had known it would be the last time we saw you.

Our last phone call, you were so happy. It helps bring me peace.
I know you are still with us. I can feel you near. I pray you are a guardian angel watching over some other family with special needs, to help guide them to make good choices.

Life is precious, you mustn’t waste it, sometimes the water of
life tastes bad, but you mustn’t waste it.

A ♥K ♥Q ♥J ♥10 ♥
