Our Team

William H. Fyler

Executive Director

Bills day to day responsibilities are directing our team overseeing the overall direction of Safehavenforwidowed.org; Establishing, implementing and evaluating goals and objectives for Safehavenforwidowed making sure they that meet and promote the standards of quality for all members new and old:

He became involved in his profession as a result of a personal experience. He attributes his success to his own personal experience in losing his own wife, uncles, mother, and many friends at such a young age’s and his drive and passion to help others that need help dealing with loss on the journey of grief so they don’t have to be alone by designing this site on the web and dedicated in memory of his wife Terri L. Fyler.

Giving 24/7 support to all those without discrimination, judgment, on a safe secured website. With those who do understand and are traveling this path too so no one is alone.

Tracy Crain


Tracy’s is the Executive Director’s right-hand person, taking responsibility for a number of important practicalities so that the Executive Director is free to concentrate on the day to day operations.

Handling a wide variety of responsibilities, including managing the staff, interacting with members and staff members. Making herself readily available to listen to their comments and concerns, plus addressing them with other team members, plus keeping them informed on new developments. Ensuring the staff meets program operational goals; Identifying as well as evaluating and proposes solutions to areas that need special attention.

Communicating directly with the Executive Director, Sponsor’s and Staff to develop and implement ongoing evaluation needs in the community; Compile monthly data and provide reports as needed to the Executive Director. Tracy is the backbone of Safehaven for widowed; and our gatekeeper, she knows all that goes on here at Safehaven for widowed.

Tracy joined Safehavenforwidowed.org on January 10th, 2010, going through her own grief losing her husband James on June 15th, 2007. In 2011 Tracy became a volunteer room moderator supporting others on this long road so they are not alone, in 2012 she joined the administration here as our Assistant Director under Bill and continued to moderate the chat rooms and give support to members and others. On October 21st, 2013 she was faced with the loss her sister Karen and only sibling this devastated Tracy.

Tracy today is now raising her niece Kathryn, who  is 13 years old.

On January 21  St, 2016 she was promoted to Director of Safehavenforwidowed.org

Paul Dunphy

Assistant Director

Paul is the director’s right-hand person his primary responsibility is to support the director in matters of communication and providing reports as needed to the director. Managing the aspect of a potential crisis situation along with the director.

He helps coordinate activities update’s and  prepare reports, presentations, and correspondence manages the chat rooms as well as social media locations.

Paul joined Safehavenforwidowed.org on December 3rd, 2010, going through his own grief, fog and shock losing his beautiful young wife and his 12 yr old son in an automobile accident on September 2nd, 2010. Looking for an escape route from this awful heartbreaking pain and dream, hoping it was only a dream. Only to find a community that totally understood what it is about that took him under their wings and supported him non-discriminating, non-judgmental, not telling him how heshould feel or any of that or how to grieve, but to give support, love, understanding no matter what time of day it was if Paul needed someone there was someone there a member or staff who understood.

Paul is another sign showing that yes, there is hope no life has changed, we have changed, it is not the same it doesn’t end. In 2012 Paul asked to become a room moderator he wanted to pay back those that helped him. In 2013 we asked Paul to join the administration as an administrator. 
Paul is a member of the Administration Team.

Robert Greenfield

Public Relations Administrator

Robert is the Public Relations Administrator a major asset to our organization, we don’t get to see much of him often he has been behind the scenes with coffee overseeing and managing: the development and execution of all the areas to increase the access to these initiatives include professional and community support to all widowed and non-widowed, here at Safehavenforwidowed.org.

Is responsible for handling all aspects of planned publicity campaigns and PR activities during the period of a crisis. Maintaining and making sure that our risk assessment and crisis management plan’s are in place and our reputation is maintained. Writing and producing presentations and press releases, dealing with inquiries from the public, the press. Researching, writing and distributing press releases to targeted media.

Designing, writing and/or producing presentations, articles, ‘in-house’ journals, reports, information for websites and videos. Maintaining and updating information on the organization’s website. Organizing events such as meet and greets, and visits.Managing the aspect of a potential crisis situation along with the director.

Also, helps coordinate projects and conducts research as directed by the Director.Also advising the Director on communication issues and strategies.

Robert is a member of the Administration Team.

Rachel Crammer


Rachel, in her role as administrator, works closely with the director and helps coordinate projects and conduct research, providing information on grief. Including recruiting new moderators and creating their schedules. She offers support to our volunteer moderators once they begin their new positions, communicates with them regularly, acknowledges them, and also ensures they have some time off from their duties to prevent burnout.

Tony Serannio


Tony, administrator joined Safehaven for Widowed in January 2010; he was the Administrator for the Safehavenforwidowed bereavement support group on Yahoo 2010 to 2013 until closing. Also a moderated here in our Widowed and non-widowed chat room. Some of his duties and responsibilities are:

Working with assisting Paul Greenfield (Public Relations Administrator) also with Rachel Crammer (Administrator) assisting in recruiting, training and managing our volunteers helping them and supporting them and also our other locations.

Having frequent contact with volunteer staff and the members, organizing meetings, liaising with relevant organizations, plus moderating the chat rooms.

Tony is another great asset to our organization and to all members. He can make some members frowns turn upside right into a smile they say.

Tony is a member of the Administration Team.