This site is for all that have lost a loved one and going through or have gone through the grieving process all are welcome here.
You must be a registered member to post or reply to a posting a topic on here. or use our chatrooms on this site.
Please read the following guidelines.
- All members must have a complete user profile on file with name, city, state, lost date or dates, angels name or names.
Members will be issued a warning and also risk the possibility of having their membership removed and banned from this site.
By the Administrator here - There will be no advertising in the forums or chat rooms, they will be deleted and member will be issued a warning and also risk the possibility of having their membership removed and banned from this site.
By the Administrator or Moderators here. - Please be kind to all members and treat with respect.
No fighting, flaming, or drama. Members that cause this type action will be removed and banned from this site.
Each and every one of us are grieving some further along and some not and we all grieve differently, there is no right or wrong way and each and everyone should be respected and supportive of each other.
Remember we did not ask to join widowhood it was not a choice we had. So let’s respect each other and be supportive of each other. - Before posting a message, please be sure you are in the appropriate chat room or forum category.
- No advertising is allowed.
- Off-topic and off-color postings will be deleted at our discretion.
- Please be considerate to others. No fights over religion/politics, personal attacks or flaming.
- NEVER solicit or share sensitive personal information (things like passwords, credit card numbers, social security numbers, etc.).